Gommage mask with brightening effectThoroughly cleanses, nourishes, smooths,and sooths the skin. Eliminates microwrinklesand restores natural softness andsuppleness. Effectively smooths color andtexture and applies minerals. Complexionbecomes silky smooth and slightly matte,looking healthy and youthful.Recommended for all skin types, includingsensitive and easily irritated skin.Key active ingredients:GEMMOCALM® – relief for irritated skinKAOLIN (porcelain clay) – brighteningmineralsPOLYPLANT RED FRUITS – shield toprotect natural colorHow to use:Method 1.Apply a thin layer to cleansed skin andallow to absorb. After 20-25 minutes gentlyroll the mask off with your fingertips untilit is completely removed. Wash the residuewith warm water.Method 2.Apply a thin layer on the face, neck,cleavage, and around your eyes.Desired effects:For special occasions: leave on for5 minutes.Super-firming: leave it on for 5 minutesevery day over 8 to 15 days.Home SPA: leave in on once or twicea week for 15 minutes. Rinse any residuewith water or remove with tonic and gentlydry the skin. Veoli Botanica Feed And Roll Gommage Brughtening Mask 90 ml